World Breast Feeding Week Celebration
Health Awareness & Symposium on Breast Feeding : Educate & Support
Akal College of Health and Allied Sciences organized World Breast Feeding Week at Eternal University. World Breast Feeding Week is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of Breast feeding Practices.
The program was Registered in World Breastfeeding Week - 2022 and it was Recognised and Appreciated by World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) Malaysia.
A community-wide Household health education, Awareness Program in Higher Secondary School, Mass Awareness Program through Street Play were conducted in 6 remote hilly outreach villages in Himachal Pradesh, India to raise awareness among Mothers of Infant. The education emphasized the value of starting nursing early, breastfeeding exclusively at six months, continuing for two years, avoiding formula feeds and its drawbacks, positioning and connection, expressing breast milk, and storing it.
Breast feeding significance and how to promote breastfeeding in family and community was taken by in order to improve peer support for breastfeeding and increase peer counselling. The Mothers of Infant enjoyed the collaborative nature of the session and expressed their willingness to participate in peer counselling.
- Encouraged healthcare and community leaders work together to ensure that parents receive consistent antenatal information to prepare for breastfeeding.
- Ensure all healthcare providers equip with the relevant competencies through pre-service and in-service education to help mothers to initiate breastfeeding.
- Encouraged close communication between the health system and the community to ensure continuity and consistency in breastfeeding counselling at this critical time to help mothers to establish breastfeeding postnatally
- Family, community and Government through Anganwadi workers & ASHA Workers. Thought about various breast feeding Positions by demonstration on their door steps of 150 households. Regarding Diet for Breast feeding mothers were insisted and Benefits of exclusive Breast feeding was explained.Follow Actions Planned:-
- Periodic Awareness about breastfeeding and shall be encouraged to support the mother & Child by Father, Family, community and Government through Anganwadi workers & ASHA Workers.
- Shall be assessed the various breast feeding Positions practices and management of Minor aliments. Regular visit to households and insist about Dietary practices of Breast feeding mothers.Benefit of communities or individuals through the even
- Created Awareness about breastfeeding and encouraged to support the mother & Child by Father, Family and community.
- Mothers were more enthusiastic learning about various breast feeding Positions while doing demonstration on their door steps.
- Regarding Diet for Breast feeding mothers was very curious to know by family members.The best speaker was selected based on the Content, Clarity and Overall Presentation. Ms. Shatkshi Kholi & Ms. Varsha from 4th year B.Sc.(N) was selected as a Best Speaker of the debateDay 6: SYMPOSIUM ON BREAST FEEDING PRACTICESOn 06/08/2022 the inauguration started at 9.300 am with the Welcome address by Mr. Muthu Kumaran, Asst. Professor, Akal College of Nursing hosted a Master of Ceremony. Symposium was conducted in both Online and Offline mode. Beginning of the Inauguration of Symposium Activities carried by last 5 days regarding World Breastfeeding week was presented by Mr. Muthu Kumaran, and he thanked Faculty Department of Community Health Nursing, ACN & All the Faculty of ACN for the Cooperation. He expressed his sincere thanks to the Management Dr. Davinder Singh, Chancellor, Eternal University, Dr. Neelam Kaur, Advisor, Health & Education, The Kalgidhar Trust and Dr. Harpreet Kaur, Administrator for the constant support and Guidance throughout the one week Program.Conclusion:On August 1 – 7th 2022 - Breastfeeding Week – 2022 was organized by Department of Community Health Nursing. All the events are went on well as per the schedule. We take this opportunity to Thank Management for the constant support and Guidance in all the endeavors of Akal College of Nursing.