Nature walk – Mangarh

Club: Sports and Adventure Club


Nature walk – Mangarh


  • To provide amusement and excitement.
  • To provide opportunities to explore nature and develop bonding with it.
  • To allow students to develop social skills .
  • To explore Historical places of Mangarh.
  • To develop the Tenacity and Patience .

Adventurous activities provide students a positive and healthy environment. Adventure trips help us to release our stress and mental problems. Taking a walk or a hike to enjoy the scenery, the fresh air and the activity can help in calming and clearing our mind. The main focus of this trekking was to provide amusement and excitement. It also provides opportunities for learning experiences in variety of subjects such as Science, Geography and Art.

 This Adventure trekking to the Mangarh was organised by the Eternal University, Baru Sahib on the 25th of February, 2023 under the sports and adventurous club. The committee comprising the following members of the adventurous club:-

  • Dr. Raino Bhatia                  - Chairperson / Coordinator
  •  Dr. Jasvir Kaur                    - Member Secretary/ Assistant Coordinator
  • Dr. Surjan Singh                   - Member
  • Dr. Mohit Kumar                   - Member
  • Dr. Neelam Kumari              - Member
  • S. Gurtej Singh                     - Member
  • Mr. Balwinder Singh             - Member
  • Mr. T Muthukumaran            - Member
  • Er. Abhilasha                          - Member
  • Mr. Amber Srivastva             - Member

The trekking started at 9:00 AM in the morning with a descent breakfast. Around 200 students and 10 staff members were going to Mangarh for adventure. It included students from different departments – Agriculture, Education, Nursing, Psychology, Engineering, Humanities etc.  Students were arranged in a group of 20 with 2 leaders. Mangarh is a place situated in Pachhad, District Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh which is only 8 km far away from Eternal University, Baru Sahib .Mangarh village is also known for ancient Shiva temple. That temple was built by Pandavas during their exile period (Agyat Vass). The students got to know about beauty of mountains on their way in different aspects .They saw the water spring and also played with water. They followed all the rules directed by the members of adventurous club. We reached our destination at 12:00 PM. Students and staff members visited Shiva temple and spend their time in calm environment of the temple. . It was really beautiful holy place situated at the height of mountains .After some time they had their lunch around 1:00PM. After having lunch students explored neighbouring areas of Mangarh. Around 2:30 PM the students had their tea and fully enjoyed the nature. After tea, Students were asked to gather according to their groups so that they can continue their trek back to Baru Sahib. At 5:30 PM, all the students and staff members reported back in university campus. Throughout the day, the students fully enjoyed their time and learned that nature really has its own rhythm. This experience was fun and exhilarating. Hence the motive of the trip was fulfilled. Overall it was an experience filled with happiness and adventure. A day spent well with the students with unforgettable memories.