Keeping in sight the needs of the competitive global world, and the areas in which a student should be adept; DOE&CC under ACA&SS had organized a Quiz Competition by the title QUIZ RIVIA – TRAIN THE BRAIN. The students participated with great spirits and with a competitive fervor that was required on their part. The Quiz was held for the Ist IInd and IIIrd year Humanities students respectively.This was all carried forth under the able guidance of Department of English Head and the General Secretary of the Departmental activities , Dr Ambika Sharma.The activities were conducted on Tuesday 19 September, 2023 at 10am -12noon in separate venues by the designated Program Officer, and member coordinators. The questions asked in the Quiz were based on knowledge of Current Affairs and subjects like History, Political Science, English , Psychology Music , Punjabi etc.Putting up a great show of energy the students bagged prizes in the form of Certificates of participation.The closure of ceremony was marked by prize distribution to the winners of the Quiz.The coordinator for the event , Ms Nivedita thanked the Head of the Department and teachers of the Department for conducting such activities which are the need of hour in order to be successful in enhancing the kid’s knowledge base.Member coordinator Ms Harsimar Kaur , also spoke about how knowledge should not be just limited to one domain. Organizing Secretary , Ms Kawaljot appreciated the efforts of the Department for bringing the students together and making them learn different activities.In the end the Head of the Department, Dr Ambika Sharma addressed all, and emphasized upon the need of understanding and unravelling one’s hidden potential by participating in such activities.The Vote of Thanks was given by Ms Nivedita Bharwaj who thanked the respected Dean of ACA&SS Dr Purvi Luniyal, The Head of the Dept. of English Dr Ambika Sharma and the active faculty members of Department of English for making the event engrossing.She concluded by harping on Good Learning giving way to creativity , creativity leading to good thinking which in turn makes you a creative thinker.