Plantation Drive on Saplings of Indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Botanical Garden.

Plantation Drive on Saplings of Indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Botanical Garden.
On 16th August, 2023, the Akal College of Economics, Commerce and Management organized an activity named “Plantation Drive on Saplings of Indigenous Medicinal and Aromatic Plants” in the Botanical Garden of Eternal University under the initiative launched by the Government of India “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence. The event began with illustrious talk and kind advice of Dr. B.D. Sharma, legendary and a great Botanist of India who has numerous research papers and book publications to his credit. He has been an ICAR scientist and consultant to national and international research and development institutions. He described the benefits of various medicinal and aromatic plants like tulsi, ginger, etc. and made aware the young students about the methods and mechanism to derive benefits by harvesting them on sustainable basis. The students enriched their knowledge and skill enhancement by learning the importance of various parts of medicinal herbs being used in curing various health issues. Few charts were prepared by the students displaying nature, importance of pants, demonstrating ecosystem, etc. After that, the students of ACECM started planting saplings of various medicinal and aromatic plants collected from different parts of Sirmour district. This event was organized under the guidance of Prof. S.K. Chauhan, Dean of the college with the cooperation of university administration and faculty coordinator Dr. Neha Garg and Mr. Ambar Srivastava along with Dr. Shanta Kumari, Dr. Manjinder Kaur, Mr. Amit Kumar and Ms. Kuldeep Kaur. Thirty (30+) plus students participated in the event. Lastly, vote of thanks was given by Mr. Ambar Srivastava, thanking Dr. Sharma for his cooperation, support and advice. Thanks were expressed in favour of his fellow colleague Dr. Neha, other faculty members and dear students for sparing their valuable time and kind support.