Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable Development Goals: Awareness

A lecture on Sustainable Development Goals: Awareness was delivered by Dr. N.P. Singh, Dean Research for University Post Graduate Students on 10/12/2021 in the University Auditorium at 4:00 PM. This lecture was aimed at sensitizing the students towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their implementation in the University as well as the campus including hostel. He touched several aspects of daily life like cleanliness, menstrual hygiene, water conservation, clean energy, solid waste management, nutritious food and asked students to join hands and inculcate these SDGs in the form of good habits in their day to day life. He also asked the students to share, food or other belongings, with the neediest of the needy or with the less fortunate ones in the society. Emphasis on value of time and role of time management was given to achieve SDGs. The students actively joined the discussion there after and provided their views on various aspects of the SDGs in the University and Hostel. The Chairman of the SDG committee Dr. Pritesh Vyas urged the students to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the hostel and conserve water. He also asked students to volunteer for such purpose. The students came forward and gave their name for volunteering in this regard.
