Recording of Dhadi Waaran Parsag

Recording of Dhadi Waaran Parsag
Students of dept. of Music ACASS Eternanal university essepecially recorded Dhadi Waara Prasag (form of folk Music in sikh religious music Tradition in which the Ballads are sung in the praise of almighty and divine warriors in bold vocal) to be upload channal Baru Sahib. Six students of M.A 2nd year Music ins were essepecially sent to delhi for the recording 24/5/2022 to 30/52022. The students recorded the various ballas with Folk inst like Dhad Sarangi and Mracus. Ballads (prasang ) Recorded were relatered to Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Saida Mlaha) and Guru Arjan Dev Ji ( Saman Musan).