International Conference on

“Water, Agriculture, Dairy and Food Processing for Sustainable Economy”





International Conference on “Water, Agriculture, Dairy and Food Processing for Sustainable Economy”

About The Conference

While the world is facing a set of challenges from population pressure, food insecurity, global hunger, carbon emission and growing inequality along with water management for survival of the mankind is compounding the complexity of the challenges.

All the different dimensions as incorporated in our main theme are of crucial importance. Significance to address these challenges while developing a true scientific methodology at the national and global level and to adopt practices to mitigate these challenges by all relevant stake holders for the continuity of our race as a whole is paramount.

By virtue of very basic nature of an academic institution either individually or in association with other leading institutions, it can play a pivotal role in this regard through basic and applied research in these crisis areas along with advising all the stake holders (specially Govt. of respective states/countries) through an appropriate collaborative model/ models to bring timely intervention to build up right kind of synergies to address these most critical issues of 21st century. A positive thinking of organic nature by all  will certainly pave the way for much better world, worthy of living following the principle of SDG GOALS as envisaged by UN and to follow the relevant practices as our main living style.

In view of the above, both Eternal University, Baru Sahib and IRMA - Anand has taken the lead for organizing a Conference with the aim to create a platform for industry experts, researchers and civic societies to discuss various issues as narrated above and to chart out actions for drawing up a future roadmap for research and development in the sector through an International Conference.

Accordingly, an International Conference on Water, Agriculture, Dairy and Food Processing Industry has been planned by the Eternal University, Baru Sahib and IRMA Water Centre, IRMA on 25th to 26th of March 2022 with the participation of national & international experts from Industry, civic societies/ practitioners, Government, and Academic Institutions.

We expect maximum participation from institutions and bodies directly and indirectly concerned with and getting affected to a great extent because our non-sustainable practices through online/ offline presence along with paper presentations to be published after the conference, to make it a grand success. The papers once accepted will be presented in the form of a book as the conference proceedings and it will be widely circulated among all important stakeholders deeply involved and engaged to address these crisis areas.


The theme of the conference is centered on "Water Management in Agriculture, Dairy and Food Processing Industry." Efficient water management is one of the most important steps in the world for living beings. The conference will have speakers from industry experts, policymakers/planners, academicians, researchers, and presentations of original research of the scholars in various areas on water management in the dairy and food processing industry.

Some indicative areas of research and consulting are as follows:

I. Water

  • World scenario of Water by 2050 – Global & Country’s need,
  • Water use Efficiency in agriculture,
  • Use of ground water irrigation in agriculture & recharge
  • Ground water development – Innovative experiences
  • Participatory Watershed Management & Sustainability
  • Increase of water use Efficiency in cash/high value crops
  • Emerging technology usage in Water use efficiency in Agriculture & rural livelihood
  • Traditional water reservoirs, glaciers, streams& river system Management for Sustainability

II. Water Quality and Waste Water Management

  • Water pollution by industries& management for better lives,
  • Urban wastes: Management for better life
  • Water Quality management for better health
  • Water quality, agriculture: Better Health & SDG

III. Agriculture

  • Food security for population at 2050 (Global/Asia/India)
  • Water, energy & fertilizer efficiency
  • Sustainability of Small Farmers
  • Integrated Farming System
  • Smart Agricultural system & sustainability
  • Agriculture production system in catchments, hilly and valley areas
  • Organic / Natural Approach of Agriculture

IV. Horticulture for better income & health

  • Horticultural potential in H.P & Hilly States
  • Horticulture for Nutrition and better Health
  • Horticulture in India & Income enhancement
  • Agro-horti-silviculture for sustainability
  • Floriculture for health management

V. Dairy & Animal husbandry Sector for protein

  • Challenges & prospects of Milk production by 2050
  • Dairy processed products: Problems, prospects & policies for 2050
  • Post-harvest management & Value addition: better livelihood
  • Value & supply chains for dairy processing in H.P & Hilly States: Prospects
  • Regulations/Safety needs for processed food
  • Potential for meat production in Hilly Areas
  • AMUL & NDDB: Role in white revolution: Prospects for better economy
  • Management Dairy animals for the rural economy

VI. Nutraceutical & Healthy Food & SDG

  • Probiotic & healthy Food – Prospects in India
  • Probiotic & healthy Food for Export, Employment & Enterprises
  • Need for better livelihood in Emerging World& SDG
  • Horticultural production for healthy food by 2050
  • Healthy food and diet management with cereals, vegetables and fruits
  • Kitchen and homestead estate in rural, peri-urban and urban landscapes
  • Advances in Agricultural and food safety system: Norms & prospects in India vs world

VI. Food Processing: Livelihood and Sustainability

  • Appropriate technology for energy & water efficient processing plants
  • Appropriate &low-cost technology micro/small food processing Units
  • Probiotic & healthy food
  • Efficient technology for fruits & vegetables processing for higher value
  • Benefits and drawbacks of food processing technology
  • Efficient Management & Technology for better post-harvest losses of food
  • Cholesterol and saturated low-fat food
  • Economic analysis and profitability of small/micro plants
  • Food safety system and norms for save food
  • Food and public health for better life
  • Technology & management of processed plants for income enhancement

VIII. Small farms & productivity

  • Intensive production & management for Sustainable income
  • Kitchen/ Vertical /roof top gardening
  • Integrated farming system management for sustainable income
  • Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for income & farm sustainability
  • Automation in agri-production system

VIII. Micro-Institution and Farmers Aggregation

  • Farmers Producers groups /organizations (FPO) for value addition & income
  • Building model of Micro Institutions (SHGs/JLGs, Farmers clubs or Agri-groups) for better agri-production management
  • Model Village for intensive agriculture & rural production system

X. Climate smart agriculture& prospects

  • Agro Climatic Impacts on crop production - Himachal Pradesh initiatives
  • Drought Monitoring and Forecasting for resilient Agriculture & Food Security
  • Climate change and its impacts on Himalayan ecology- Agro bio perspectives

Video Links of the Conference

Inauguration Session

First Day of the Conference:

Note: First Day Audio Start at 20:00 mins (Missing Audio Session can listen in Inauguration Session).


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