
EEternal University has its Library with 60 computers and seating 250 students for studying in a very calm and quite environment. More than 25,000 books of national and international authors are on the shelves, besides access to curriculum based videos and web courses through NPTL and MIT courses wares. In addition to this there are more than 300 CD's/ DVD's on different subjects. The Library subscribe 54 national and international technical journals, magazines, periodicals along with national and regional dailies to keep the students abreast with the latest developments around the globe. At present the Eternal University library is more than a conventional library for its information sources and services with Wi-Fi facilities available on the computers installed in the library and on personal laptops with separate seating arrangements, therefore, to convert conventional library in to a hybrid library. Total automation of library is in the process of implementation through ERP. The timing is from 9.00am to 9.00pm on all working days and 9.00am to 5.00pm on holidays