University Corporate Resource Centre Eternal University


To ignite career dreams of younger generation being groomed in the university through a structured intervention in the form of a scientifically develop “PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM” incorporating career guidance, social sensitivity issues & latest corporate practices by an appropriate mix of different pedagogies.


UCRC at EU operates at two levels:

  • At the strategic level – For the university as a whole all Inclusive
  • College / Department Level: to facilitate the functioning Of this important division at the college through intense discussion and brain storming with few selected members as committee members

The combine objectives for both the levels are as follows:

To make EU the preferred choice of the prospective employers while inculcating contemporary knowledge through appropriate mix of theoretical and practical exposure using latest teaching pedagogies and through other means to make the impact of UCRC visible and value added To make UCRC proactive while developing, implementing and monitoring appropriate strategies both general and specific for the different colleges and for different verticals of UCRC


University Level: The University Corporate Resource Centre has been created with following role in mind

  • Advisory and Supervisory role for the university as a whole for different Colleges / Departments in some of the critical areas of corporate Outreach
  • Role as a central information hub to generate, update and maintain operational and strategic information
  • As a strategist and facilitator for internalization of UCRC activities both at University and respective College / Department level
  • As a brand creator and awareness facilitator (EU Brand) among the stake holders, especially in corporates, relevant govt depts.

